Saturday, February 28, 2009

My Latest Project and it's crochet!

I found this kit while perusing my stash. I haven't crocheted in awhile because my wrists begin to hurt and my fingers can start freezing if I don't quit at the early warning signs. I won some ergonomic crochet hooks on EBay and I'm waiting for their arrival. In the mean time I do a little crocheting and rest then pick it up again.
I did this half of the pillow yesterday and quit before madness set in.
This Candy Corn Pillow seemed like the perfect distraction. For some reason working on a Halloween project in February is exciting. Like working on Christmas projects in July.
October 30th is National Candy Corn Day. Candy corn was created in the 1880s by the Wunderlee Candy Company and, by 1900, was being produced by the Goelitz Candy Company (now Jelly Belly) it's been produced for more than a century.The recipe changed slightly over time and there are probably a few variations in recipes between candy companies, but the use of a mixture of sugar, corn syrup, gelatin and vanilla (as well as honey, in some brands) is the standard. A serving of candy corn has about 22 pieces and contains 140 calories, no fat. While it is just about all sugar, the sweet can still be a better choice than a couple of mini candy bars or other Halloween treats that are high in both calories and in fat. Additionally, 22 pieces of candy corn will last a lot longer than one mini candy bar will. I love that candy corn. One day I might try making it. So far I have created them by knitting. crocheting or cookies.

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