Friday, March 20, 2009

All in a day's whatever...

At KMart I ran my debit card, entered my pin and went through the whole role. I thought I put the card in my wallet. Well, the purchase got balled up and she said I had to swipe my card again. No card. Looking through everything as the line gets longer. Finally I said I'd write a check. As that is processing I'm wondering if I left the card at home, after making some online purchases this morning? Did I swipe my blue Chevron card accidentally and I left the debit at home. "Oh God that be true."

While this sale went on a woman with two small children went pass me. So, I think shoot did she swoop in and take it when it dropped on the floor. Plus she was standing behind me in line for awhile. What if she saw me punch in my pin number?? I have to get home to search.

I run into my neighbor. Then I ran into my second neighbor.

I get home and tear the bedroom apart. Call the bank to report a possible theft. Yes, that woman snookered me big time. I have to wait ten days for a new card and go check my bank account for the next few days and it is now a hot card. I put Ben's card through the shredder.

I got these cute blouses for $3.99 each! And, I had to get a new cassette player/CD player to listen to audio books. On the bottom of the bag was my debit card smiling at me.

But, I wondered if that woman had swiped my card!? I told Ben I was so happy it wasn't that woman. I always say the only exercise I get is jumping to conclusions.


USS Ben USN (Ret) said...

What a day you had, love. Well, at least you know what happened now.
I'm also glad the lady didn't steal your card.

Nice baby pic. :^)

KuntryMama's Klatch said...

Aye Mate!